As a family we all gather for special moments, ordinary moments or moments just like celebrate a birthday. We all bring along food to share - Mum is so good at pulling together a basket full at very little notice ( i wonder if i will ever have that organisation & talent??!!).
This day we were celebrating Rachel's birthday, and we were all here (little Finn was asleep in the pusher)and what an opportunity to capture this photo of children, grand-children, grandparents- great grandparents together. We are so lucky to have them all around us and loving each others company! It is truelly a special family moment.
I had some fun pulling this one together with some October Afternoon's 9 to 5 range, with a little bit of misting, a Studio calico badge, OA buttons, Lily Bee alpha stickers and AC thicker alphas.
Hope you have had some special family moments of late to remember.
Have a nice day,