Have just had our
escape2create Scrapathon at Trinty Haven camp with 30 enthusiastic scrappers and what a great weekend it was!! Scrap, shop, chat, friends, laughter, & loads fun all under the one roof....what a perfect place to be!! ....and i managed to get 8 pages completed, the most i have done at any retreats. I did more than read magazines this time, so i was very pleased!!!
It was just the Bestest weekend! Thanks to you
all for your lovely company and inspiration!
Here's a couple of my pages from the weekend:
Birthday pages of two special little boys.
This was my first go at making a special birthday cake in over 10 years, actually i made this very cake for Daniel when he was 5...i had it written in the old Woman's Weekly birthday cake cookbook....now Jacob's name is next to his Dad's.
Dear little Eli was just delighted with Granny's very simple animal cake for his birthday. the joy on his face was just priceless, it almost bought a tear to my eye! I'm having fun making the occassional birthday cake for the grandies....i always loved to do special cakes for my kids.
I had fun making these cakes, seeing their faces and even more fun scrapping these pages.
Thanks for popping by...
Sue xx